- Evo-devo
Hello my dear readers,
We didnt have some scientific stuff for a long time
I would like to talk about some biological stuff that is increasing very fast and will be very popular in future.
It is called Evo-devo .
It is way how we can work with genes in some life organism like some birds or rats and creating new parts or just replacing or remaking some organs. Today it is not very popular cause of some religion aspects. People dont agree with this type of medication. It is not ethnical.
But i am pretty sure it will be used as ordinary thing. Because everybody wants to be healthy and have good genes. It is some pack of Hox genes and Pack genes that are used in nucleotic base and produce some kind of peptids that are very useful for our organism. There can be some transcription.
These wouldnt be hard to for vegans. They have lack of this substances.
Theology had always speculations with science. I dont say that is bad. I respect all kińds of religion. It is wonderful that we are all so different.
There was invention of genes called Fox and MYH16. They edit some aspects like talking or anathomy of brain and some teeth. It is connected with neurobiology. We can use it in paleontology, molecular biology. These is synthesis od DNA.Some Hox-genes are set pararel in organism, but there are certain switches in cell that activates proteins and genes and can prodiuce some mutation. We can turn on ad off a lot of specific genes and reduce some genetic disorders. But we ca also provide some mutantion like increase illness to other disease. There are a hugeamount of switches. Scients still dont know their purpose. It is all in research. There exist another pack of genes that create powerul changes like Tinman, Ultrabiosacx, Dorsal, Snail. Switches can edit height, width by regulation sequence that attack some pieces of DNA.
Addiction to psychoactive stuff
And mental illness from it
Hello my dear readers,
I would like introduce you all to psychoactive addiction like some chemicals and others.
intoxication - it is temporary state after using psychoactive substance that lead to less adaptive behavior causing CNS problems.
Toleration- it is state of repeated using drugs to reach same effect., want more drug
Addapation - progressive addaptation of the cells, neurocells and organs as answer to excessive psychoactive substance, to continuntation of exposition of the cells also connected with kompensation mechanism
Craving - it is passion to reach psychoactive substance
Flashback - psychoactive reminiscence. It is just illusion that person is under some substance but truly isnt.
dezinhibition - behavior when person is under pressure and cant hold without any substance it causes some agression and weakness.
First of all it must be alcohol
It is most useful drug or psychoactive substance in the world. 6 or 10 percentage of the people all over the world have problems with alcohol or are addicted to it.
It brings a lot of illness like damage of liver or brain even pankreas.
Czech republic is second biggest user of alcohol.
Acute toxication - lead to relaxation, more talkative, euforia, hard intoxication leaad to agressivity, irritation or death. Very often complication are accident, criminal actions. Between concentration of 0,3 or 0,5 promile of alcohol in blood comes to relaxation, releasing of barier and feeling of lightness. People are more friendly, less motoric functions. It causes problems with coordination during moving.
Pathological intoxication - it occurates to people with less tolerance to alcohol. It expresses as huge excitement, deep sleep, amnesia or death. That person is causing a lot of criminal cases.
there exist also Jelling typology of person who is addicted to alcohol.
alfa means - problematic drinking, person is drinking alone,
beta- very rarely drinker , usually very sociative, in society
gama- anglosas type , preference to destilled alcohol
delta- romanian type, preference to wine consumantion
theta- episodic drinker
phases - symptomatic, prodromatic in danger, crucial and last phase terminal.
comorbidity- mixing alcohol with other psychoactive substances or having some psychological problems like trauma in childhood or genetic components
Second is smoking.
Smooking increases metabolism of coffeine. Nicotin is active stimulant.It improves attention and posibility to solve problems.
intoxication - bizar sleeps, insomnia, labil mood, derealization, vomiting.
there are about 1.2 million people in the world that smoking.
About 30 percent of people in Czech repoublic are smoking.
Third is addiction to opioids.
There are drugs like morfium, heroin, codein.
Codein is part of medication that decreases pain.
Heroin diacetylmorfin - is very addictive, it is used intravenosis, it causes euforia and some kind of orgasm. Effect takes about many hours. It affect imunity and mortality. Danger thar may come is AIDS or hepatitis type c.
People who use heroin have especially depression, or just some psychological problems.
intoxication by opiates - apathy and dezinhibition, hypothenze, hypothermia,
intoxication by heroin - hypotermym, brachykardia, hypotenze.
fouth may be hypnotics
we call them sedatives. You can buy it in pharmacy.We used them when we have insomnia.
intoxication - labil mood, inmorality, euforia, apathy. They have problems to stand or walking.
addiction - comes to delirium.
fifth must be cocain
you can grab it from least of koky. It brings depression. After euforia comes exhaustion.
intoxication - stereotypical behavior, problem social addaptation, halucination, nauzea
Next becomes stimulants
they are very addictive. dexamfetamin and extasy are available like tablets.
they are synthetic drugs , are made in laboratory.
To these types belongs also anoreptics. They increase activation. They decrease feeling of exhaustion. They change mood and icrease self-confidence. But after effect comes nightmare.
intoxication - disturbance of daily functions, paranoia, senses illusions, weakness, cramps.
malfunction by dissolving agent
There are availble absolutely everywhere.
There are many types of dissolvemens like aerosols, adhesives, chloroform, nitrits
They increase sexual functions. There affect skin, kardiovaskular functions. Death comes from anoxy, aspiration, arytmia or supresion.
intoxication - psychomotoric retardation, nystagmus, stupor, koma.
There exist more psychoactive substances that accuse some psychological problems. we will talk about it in next session.
O mně
Jmenuju se Kristýna. Pocházím z tajuplného kraje, o kterém Vám bohužel neřeknu nic. Jsem rozený skeptik a morbidní člověk s kapkou sarkasmu. Zbožňuju kriminální případy, psychopatologii, bláznivé lidi, které jsou originální svým způsobem. zájimám se o paranormální jevy, genetiku, antropologii a dějiny umění. Můj život je cesta růžovou zahradou. Připomíná to thriller od Hitchooka.
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